成果論文 Publications
Chang, Y.S., Boivin, S., Fujioka, T.
Removal of odorous and nitrogen chemicals by submerged nanofiltration, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 68,106377,2024
Fujioka, T., Takeuchi, H., Tahara, H., Murakami, H., Boivin, S.
Effects of functional groups of polyfluoroalkyl substances on their removal by nanofiltration, Water Research X. 24,100233,2024
Boivin, S. ,Fujioka, T.
Membrane fouling control and contaminant removal during direct nanofiltration of surface water, Desalination, 581,117607,2024
Fujioka, T., Linh C.U.T., Okuda, T., Boivin, S.
Controlling membrane fouling of nanofiltration using poly-aluminum chloride and Moringa oleifera coagulants, Separation and Purification Technology, 334, 126016,2024
Popova, A., Rattanakom, R., Yu, Z., Li, Z., Nakagawa, K., Fujioka, T.
Evaluating the potential of nanofiltration membranes for removing ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite in drinking water sources, Water Research, 244, 120484, 2023.
海外招待講演 International Invited Lecture for Symposiums/Seminars
Takahiro Fujioka, Direct nanofiltration for drinking water and wastewater treatment, Journal of Water Process Engineering Webinar, DOI: 10.52843/cassyni.lxg1k8, Elservier, Webinar, 24 October 2023
国内招待講演 Domestic Invited Lecture for Symposiums/Seminars
藤岡貴浩、ベトナムにおける水汚染耐性のある供給システム構築、信州大学アクア・イノベーション拠点 AxC-PF第12回講演会、2023/10/06
国際学会発表 International Conference Presentations
Takahiro Fujioka, Submerged nanofiltration for drinking and wastewater treatment (Poster)
6th International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology 2023 (MEMDES2023), Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 21 November 2023Takahiro Fujioka, Direct nanofiltration for drinking water treatment (Oral)
13th International Congress on Membrane and Membrane Processes (ICOM 2023), Chiba, Japan, 13 July 2023Alena Popova, Uncovering the potential of nanofiltration membranes for removal of ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite (Poster)
13th International Congress on Membrane and Membrane Processes (ICOM 2023), Chiba, Japan, 11 July 2023
国内学会発表 Domestic Conference Presentations
Radamanee Rattanakom, Removal of Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite by Nanofiltration Membranes, Japan-YWP 11th International Symposium in WET2023-online, Online, 8-9 July 2023
Chi Thi Linh Ung, Mitigating Membrane Fouling of Nanofiltration using Pre-coagulation, Japan-YWP 11th International Symposium in WET2023-online, Online, 8-9 July 2023
Radamanee Rattanakom, Alena Popova, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Zhuolin Li, Kei Nakagawa, Takahiro Fujioka (長崎大学)、硝酸態窒素、亜硝酸態窒素、アンモニア態窒素を除去するためのナノろ過膜処理, 2022年度日本水環境学会九州沖縄支部研究発表会、宮崎大学、2023年3月2日
Alena Popova, Radamanee Rattanakom, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Zhuolin Li, Kei Nakagawa, Takahiro Fujioka (長崎大学)、Ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite removal by nanofiltration membranes, 世界展開力強化事業「持続的社会基盤整備を支えるグローバル「人材育成プログラム」第1回国際シンポジウム、長崎大学、2023年2月27日
(Best Poster Award) Alena Popova
その他 Others
Takahiro Fujioka, Sustainable drinking water treatment from contaminated water sources, Asia Intercollegiate Cooperative Project for Nurturing Global Leaders in Sustainable Infrastructure Development, 3rd Consortium Meeting for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers, Research Exchange (International Collaboration Laboratory), Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, 13 November, 2023